Master of Metaphysics

This blog is for the comments regarding the Master of Metaphysics - Spirit Quest program offered through the Universal Life Church and their online seminary program.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Spirit Quest

Metaphysics Course
Universal Life Church

The very first sentences of this course have been the most important for me. In these sentences I have grown in strength and knowing. I have been able to embrace these words as a reality for my life.

1. You Are A Perfect Being.
2. God Loves You.
3. You Were Created In Perfection, By Perfection for Perfection.
4. Your Success Is Guaranteed.

The content of this course for me has all been based in the above four sentences because in them I have found my true self. My life, not unlike others, has been extremely difficult as I come from a very dysfunctional family and I am proud that I have. The negative conditioning that I received as a child has made me value my growth process. The very first sentence says, “You are a perfect being.” The problem with the way I was raised is that I was taught to embrace my imperfections. As I studied the lessons I now see that I have no imperfections and any flaw can be turned just by changing my view. It had been easy for me to accept myself as imperfect and undeserving and while I saw myself with all these flaws my world continually supported those notions. After practicing the meditations and taking off the veil of untruth I can easily accept that this world is made perfect and just as nature is perfect so am I. My body (the spiritual as well as the physical) works in perfection and when I view myself as aligned with the universe then I can easily see myself as perfect or better yet as being, “created in perfection, by perfection and for perfection.

As a child I am the product of my mother and her union with a married man. Now my mother didn’t know that my father was married, but when she found out it was too late. So, since my mother could not punish the man she punished me by withholding love. Coming from my experiences with my family and having a mother who did know about the value of forgiveness, I thought that God (Goddess, Source, The Creator) could not possibly love someone like me. As I walked through the lessons and practiced Rose meditation and visualization, I began to see just how wrong I was in my assumption. I saw (and see) that in everything that has been created in this world and in the spiritual realm there is no limit of the love that I am the recipient of. I have learned how the source of the universe has given me genius and how she communicates this through the most basic and beautiful things (music, numbers, and color). I was born under a unique set of numbers I see my talents I see the love that Goddess has for me in all that she created. Just to know that there is no way I can fail gives me the strength to do those things I though not possible.

When I started this course I knew certain things and was in the process of opening up to realize more of the Universal Truths. Since my study I have grown to know the reasons that I had not created in my life those things which I needed.

My largest obstacle to growth had been my view on forgiveness. I had always thought that to forgive those that, in my estimation, had pain me meant to let them off the hook. Now, I know that it is not about letting them off the hook, but it is about realigning me with the divine. It is about releasing and letting go. Forgiveness is what I do for me and is about no giving my power away to those who have caused me harm. My largest surprise while walking through this lesson is that I realized that I had been withholding forgiveness because I wanted revenge…I wanted them to feel the pain that I carried. In reality (this is a shocker) the pain that I felt had been because I LET IT IN! I made it my own personal pain. I decided to use the forgiveness letter. Now the forgiveness letter asks that you use compassionate and loving words to the offender. This letter allowed me to first see my offenders as human, and then it showed me the power of compassion. As I have held on to the un-forgiveness I had allowed myself to be cut off from the compassionate side of me. I didn’t mail these letters, but I did burn them and pictured the smoke as carrying my forgiveness to the person. I let go completely of the blame, shame, and need for revenge.

This course has strengthened my meditation and visualization skills. It reminds me of a song sung by a very popular R&B singer R. Kelly. The title is “I believe I can fly” and in the song there are some words that are the foundation of Metaphysics, “….if I can see it….then I can be it…, I believe I can fly.” Metaphysics as detailed in this course works because we use visualization techniques to create. What I can picture in my mind, I can bring into my physical reality. In past I have created negative (“if you don’t fill it, someone or something will fill it for you” – discourse four) but using guided meditation to ground I learned to fill myself with positive instead.

There are so many things I learned with this course and It would take me another lifetime to talk about it all, but since I am learning about balancing my time and am practicing staying in the now I will say that this course has taken me though some horrible memories and because of that I have been able to release the negative feelings and learn the lesson. I am now a better reverend because I know how important letting go is. I know how holding on can create pain, and negativity into my life. I can now teach others how to create a rose to dispel negative energy and bring in the beauty of love. I can teach others how to tap into the divine and experience the type of unconditional love that we all deserve. These lessons have taught me that this world in which I live was created in abundance and like all of nature I have all I need after all,

I AM A Perfect Being, Goddess Loves Me; I was Created in Perfection, By Perfection for Perfection and my Success Is Guaranteed.

Reverend Tammy J. Hamilton


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more.

Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.

The  ULC, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our reverends. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary.

Try our new free toolbar at: ULC Toolbar

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Spirit Quest

The very first sentences of this course have been the most important for me. In these sentences I have grown in courage and understanding. I have been able to embrace these words as a reality for my life.

1. You Are A Perfect Being.

2. God Loves You.

3. You Were Created In Perfection, By Perfection for Perfection.

4. Your Success Is Guaranteed.

The content of this course for me has all been based in the above four sentences because in them I have found my true self. My life, not unlike others, has been extremely difficult as I come from a very dysfunctional family and I am proud that I have. The negative conditioning that I received as a child has made me value my growth process. The very first sentence says, “You are a perfect being.” The problem with the way I was raised is that I was taught to embrace my imperfections. As I studied the discourses I now see that I have no imperfections and any flaw can be turned just by changing my view. It had been easy for me to accept myself as imperfect and undeserving and while I saw myself with all these flaws my world continually supported those notions. After practicing the meditations and taking off the veil of untruth I can easily accept that this world is made perfect and just as nature is perfect so am I. My body (the spiritual as well as the physical) works in perfection and when I view myself as aligned with the universe then I can easily see myself as perfect or better yet as being, “created in perfection, by perfection and for perfection.

As a child I am the product of my mother and her union with a married man. Now my mother didn’t know that my father was married, but when she found out it was too late. So, since my mother could not punish the man she punished me by withholding love. Coming from my experiences with my family and having a mother who did know about the value of forgiveness, I thought that God (Goddess, Source, The Creator) could not possibly love someone like me. As I walked through the discourses and practiced Rose meditation and visualization, I began to see just how wrong I was in my assumption. I saw (and see) that in everything that has been created in this world and in the spiritual realm there is no limit of the love that I am the recipient of. I have learned how the source of the universe has given me genius and how she communicates this through the most basic and beautiful things (music, numbers, and color). I was born under a unique set of numbers I see my talents I see the love that Goddess has for me in all that she created. Just to know that there is no way I can fail gives me the courage to do those things I though impossible.

When I started this course I knew certain things and was in the process of opening up to realize more of the Universal Truths. Since my study I have grown to understand the reasons that I had not manifested in my life those things which I needed.

My biggest obstacle to growth had been my view on forgiveness. I had always thought that to forgive those that, in my estimation, had hurt me meant to let them off the hook. Now, I understand that it is not about letting them off the hook, but it is about realigning me with the divine. It is about releasing and letting go. Forgiveness is what I do for me and is about no giving my power away to those who have caused me harm. My biggest surprise while walking through this lesson is that I realized that I had been withholding forgiveness because I wanted revenge…I wanted them to feel the pain that I carried. In reality (this is a shocker) the pain that I felt had been because I LET IT IN! I made it my own personal pain. I decided to use the forgiveness letter. Now the forgiveness letter asks that you use compassionate and loving words to the offender. This letter allowed me to first see my offenders as human, and then it showed me the power of compassion. As I have held on to the un-forgiveness I had allowed myself to be cut off from the compassionate side of me. I didn’t mail these letters, but I did burn them and visualized the smoke as carrying my forgiveness to the person. I let go completely of the blame, shame, and need for revenge.

This course has strengthened my meditation and visualization skills. It reminds me of a song sung by a very popular R&B singer R. Kelly. The title is “I believe I can fly” and in the song there are some words that are the foundation of Metaphysics, “….if I can see it….then I can be it…, I believe I can fly.” Metaphysics as detailed in this course works because we use visualization techniques to manifest. What I can visualize in my mind, I can bring into my physical reality. In past I have manifested negative (“if you don’t fill it, someone or something will fill it for you” – discourse four) but using guided meditation to ground I learned to fill myself with positive instead.

There are so many things I learned with this course and It would take me another lifetime to talk about it all, but since I am learning about balancing my time and am practicing staying in the present I will say that this course has taken me though some horrible memories and because of that I have been able to release the negative emotions and learn the lesson. I am now a better minister because I know how important letting go is. I understand how holding on can manifest pain, and negativity into my life. I can now teach others how to manifest a rose to dispel negative energy and bring in the beauty of love. I can teach others how to tap into the divine and experience the type of unconditional love that we all deserve. These lessons have taught me that this world in which I live was created in abundance and like all of nature I have all I need after all,

I AM A Perfect Being, Goddess Loves Me; I was Created in Perfection, By Perfection for Perfection and my Success Is Guaranteed.

Reverend Tammy J. Hamilton


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have various classes in Christianity, one on Wicca, along with several Pagan courses, more than a few courses about Metaphysics with more being added regularly.

Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free, legal and lasts for life, so please take advantage of our Free Online Ordination.

The  ULC, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of minister supplies.  I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and am proud to have started the Seminary.

Try our new free toolbar at: ULC Toolbar

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Spirit Quest

Spirit-Quest, the course has been and will continue to be a valuable set of tools. I continue to cherish each one. They have a place in the library at our home. Like any teaching implement, they are referred to time and time again. I want to thank the many that have walked with me through this part of my life’s journey. Thank you Amy, thanks to those who helped put it together, the spirit guides that help me walk through my conscious and unconscious levels of understanding. Thanks to the Elemental Spirits for allowing themselves to be seen and worked with, thanks to the beings who have come to me through these studies and continue to walk with me on my path. Thanks to all.

I have searched to understand myself for as long as I can remember. Through this course, I have been able to identify energies and processes that eluded me.  My relationships with others have changed for the betterment of my self-growth. 

Meditation as I understand it, has evolved so I may use it throughout my day and night. I visualize on a regular basis in most things that pass through my life. The exercises provided in the course have awakened senses or awareness that give strength to my Spiritual self.  My perception of my energies and the energies around me are growing and becoming more vivid. I am learning to distinguish between my personal energy, the earth energies and the “cosmos” energies. My drive to heal the creatures that come to me for rehabilitation continues with my understanding of the “purpose” or “abilities” of each type of energy. Instead of using my personal energy to try and heal one that is injured, I visualize the energies of the Earth and the Universe to work with the creature.

This course introduced me to the concept of the Astral Plane and my own astral body. I am learning to visualize the cleansing of the silver cord and the placing of my golden light within this astral body. The concept is new to me. I am sure over time, this will become second nature and many more opportunities will present themselves that deal with the ‘spiritual” or astral plane and the beings that live there. If I remember correctly, there are eleven levels that were introduced. As with any introduction, it is but a doorway through which I am entering.

I am learning different ways of perceiving the worlds around me, to release my fear of the unknown (which is taught), and to embrace others without judgment.

An added bonus to taking this course is getting to know Amy Long. Through the sharing of her life experiences and approach to subjects, she has given the blessing of herself. With this, I would like to say thanks to all who played a part in my journey through Spirit-Quest.

Rev. Sherri Roberts


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more.

Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.

The  ULC, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary.

Try our new free toolbar at: ULC Toolbar

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Spirit Quest

Final Essay
Spirit-Quest written by Rev. Amy Long
Essay by Mary McGar

This course was fascinating. The aspect I liked most about this course was the continued use of personal examples. They triggered thoughts of my own related experiences that, most likely, I would not have recognized as easily without them. I also felt a deep one-on-one relationship with Rev. Long during this course, rather than just studying impersonal material.

The tools I found of most relevance to me were creating and destroying roses and bringing in golden suns. I have been going through trying health and financial difficulties lately and they brought on much stress. Most of the financial stress was not of my making and I was helpless to correct it through my own efforts. I found the reminders to ground myself useful because that is something I sometimes forget. Creating a rose and stuffing it with a specific problem was very effective for me. The constant reminder to then bring in an immense golden sun was so very calming. While nothing has, of yet, truly improved with either my health or finances I find that I can deal with the pain and the concern much better and I am more at peace from applying those tools.

Since I found those tools so useful to me I decided to try them on my friends who come to me for Reiki treatments. I took a few minutes to guide each client through an induction with the intent of not only relaxing her/him before the treatment but to help her/him with her/his current problems in another way. Before starting our session I would ask, if I didn't already know, what issues were of most concern to her/him. Then during the induction, after advising each to ground himself/herself, I would ask each one to imagine the rose as specifically as I was taught to do in this course and use it for both protection and as a tool to destroy his/her problems. Then I instructed each one to bring in a large golden sun and let its warmth, energy and healing power engulf her/him. Without exception, everyone benefited from this exercise. Each person was able to immediately feel better destroying whatever was bothering her/him and felt comforted by the energy of the sun. It is far easier to see improvement in someone else than it is in oneself; at least it is for me. Each client was able to derive more benefit from the Reiki treatment and experience more during it than previously. Each client improved more dramatically than during previous treatments. So, as a result I will continue to use these tools before all my Reiki treatments.

Thank you, Reverend Long, for an enlightening and marvelous learning experience.

Mary McGar


Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.

As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary.

Try our new free toolbar at: ULC Toolbar

Monday, January 10, 2011

Spirit Quest

Rev. Tammy Hamilton

The very first sentences of this course have been the most important for me. In these sentences I have grown in courage and understanding. I have been able to embrace these words as a reality for my life.

1. You Are A Perfect Being.

2. God Loves You.

3. You Were Created In Perfection, By Perfection for Perfection.

4. Your Success Is Guaranteed.

The content of this course for me has all been based in the above four sentences because in them I have found my true self. My life, not unlike others, has been extremely difficult as I come from a very dysfunctional family and I am proud that I have. The negative conditioning that I received as a child has made me value my growth process. The very first sentence says, “You are a perfect being.” The problem with the way I was raised is that I was taught to embrace my imperfections. As I studied the discourses I now see that I have no imperfections and any flaw can be turned just by changing my view. It had been easy for me to accept myself as imperfect and undeserving and while I saw myself with all these flaws my world continually supported those notions. After practicing the meditations and taking off the veil of untruth I can easily accept that this world is made perfect and just as nature is perfect so am I. My body (the spiritual as well as the physical) works in perfection and when I view myself as aligned with the universe then I can easily see myself as perfect or better yet as being, “created in perfection, by perfection and for perfection.

As a child I am the product of my mother and her union with a married man. Now my mother didn’t know that my father was married, but when she found out it was too late. So, since my mother could not punish the man she punished me by withholding love. Coming from my experiences with my family and having a mother who did know about the value of forgiveness, I thought that God (Goddess, Source, The Creator) could not possibly love someone like me. As I walked through the discourses and practiced Rose meditation and visualization, I began to see just how wrong I was in my assumption. I saw (and see) that in everything that has been created in this world and in the spiritual realm there is no limit of the love that I am the recipient of. I have learned how the source of the universe has given me genius and how she communicates this through the most basic and beautiful things (music, numbers, and color). I was born under a unique set of numbers I see my talents I see the love that Goddess has for me in all that she created. Just to know that there is no way I can fail gives me the courage to do those things I though impossible.

When I started this course I knew certain things and was in the process of opening up to realize more of the Universal Truths. Since my study I have grown to understand the reasons that I had not manifested in my life those things which I needed.

My biggest obstacle to growth had been my view on forgiveness. I had always thought that to forgive those that, in my estimation, had hurt me meant to let them off the hook. Now, I understand that it is not about letting them off the hook, but it is about realigning me with the divine. It is about releasing and letting go. Forgiveness is what I do for me and is about no giving my power away to those who have caused me harm. My biggest surprise while walking through this lesson is that I realized that I had been withholding forgiveness because I wanted revenge…I wanted them to feel the pain that I carried. In reality (this is a shocker) the pain that I felt had been because I LET IT IN! I made it my own personal pain. I decided to use the forgiveness letter. Now the forgiveness letter asks that you use compassionate and loving words to the offender. This letter allowed me to first see my offenders as human, and then it showed me the power of compassion. As I have held on to the un-forgiveness I had allowed myself to be cut off from the compassionate side of me. I didn’t mail these letters, but I did burn them and visualized the smoke as carrying my forgiveness to the person. I let go completely of the blame, shame, and need for revenge.

This course has strengthened my meditation and visualization skills. It reminds me of a song sung by a very popular R&B singer R. Kelly. The title is “I believe I can fly” and in the song there are some words that are the foundation of Metaphysics, “….if I can see it….then I can be it…, I believe I can fly.” Metaphysics as detailed in this course works because we use visualization techniques to manifest. What I can visualize in my mind, I can bring into my physical reality. In past I have manifested negative (“if you don’t fill it, someone or something will fill it for you” – discourse four) but using guided meditation to ground I learned to fill myself with positive instead.

There are so many things I learned with this course and It would take me another lifetime to talk about it all, but since I am learning about balancing my time and am practicing staying in the present I will say that this course has taken me though some horrible memories and because of that I have been able to release the negative emotions and learn the lesson. I am now a better minister because I know how important letting go is. I understand how holding on can manifest pain, and negativity into my life. I can now teach others how to manifest a rose to dispel negative energy and bring in the beauty of love. I can teach others how to tap into the divine and experience the type of unconditional love that we all deserve. These lessons have taught me that this world in which I live was created in abundance and like all of nature I have all I need after all,

I AM A Perfect Being, Goddess Loves Me; I was Created in Perfection, By Perfection for Perfection and my Success Is Guaranteed.

Reverend Tammy J. Hamilton


Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.

As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials and courses in Metaphysics, Paganism, Spiritual Development and Christian Studies

Sunday, January 9, 2011


The Rose - Spirit-Quest Essay by Rev. Dawn Egler

I wanted to start off by saying I have really enjoyed taking the Spirit Quest course. There are so many wonderful tools I never knew existed.

If I had to choose a favorite tool, it would have to be the rose. I really enjoy changing its color and texture for different jobs. There is even times when I animate the rose so it would eat people if they refused to leave my space after being asked politely to go, or if they just annoy me. This always gives me a good laugh and makes that person wonder why I am laughing.

The other thing I really like about the rose is how it cleans out our telepathic channels. Who needs a decongestant when you have a lovely sticky rose to do the job for you. I was truly amazed at how well this worked. I feel my life has changed significantly since taking this course. So many questions that I had have been answered. I have learned to trust my instincts.

I also learned how much negative energy I had attracted throughout my life. More importantly, it has shown me what to do with that negative energy and how to replenish the positive energy that is needed to live a better and healthier life. I now make a conscience effort to be more positive in every thing I do.

I also find myself making mock ups at least once a day. This is especially handy on those cold, or rainy days and running to the grocery store. I am always sure to thank God for each mock up that is received and thank God for the times I am shown when those mock ups are not meant to be mine.

I grew up in a very conservative church / family and to ever question any form of religious leader or any persons with authority was just unheard of. Through this course however, I found out the more I question, the more I learn. There is so much more to learn and so much more to question. It is a constant cycle.

As far as miracles on a daily bases. I know miracles happen to me and I make miracles happen everyday. Unfortunately, most are not seen. I am still trying to figure out if it is because I lack the attention or if they are just taken for grated.

On a more personal level I would say my dreams are a miracle. Only some of them, and it only happens every once in a while. These dreams are usually on a personal family level. They also have a different kind of energy. Kind of like when I am looking for car keys, or misplaced something I am really needing, I say a short prayer and listen really closely. Usually I will hear a "Hey, look here. Here I am." And when I look where I feel the energy is coming from I usually find what I am looking for. I have only been wrong a couple of times.

An example of the second would be life in general. Life itself is a miracle. Every breath we take, every move we make, every little (or big) thing we do is a miracle. After all we are created in perfection, by perfection, for perfection and our success is guaranteed.

Rev. Dawn Egler


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more.

Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.

The  ULC, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary.

Try our new free toolbar at: ULC Toolbar

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Spirit Quest

Universal Life Church Metaphysics Course

Spirit-Quest, the course has been and will continue to be a valuable set of tools. I continue to cherish each one. They have a place in the library at our home. Like any teaching implement, they are referred to time and time again. I want to thank the many that have walked with me through this part of my life’s journey. Thank you Amy, thanks to those who helped put it together, the spirit guides that help me walk through my conscious and unconscious levels of understanding. Thanks to the Elemental Spirits for allowing themselves to be seen and worked with, thanks to the beings who have come to me through these studies and continue to walk with me on my path. Thanks to all.

I have searched to understand myself for as long as I can remember. Through this course, I have been able to identify energies and processes that eluded me. My relationships with others have changed for the betterment of my self-growth.

Meditation as I understand it, has evolved so I may use it throughout my day and night. I visualize on a regular basis in most things that pass through my life. The exercises provided in the course have awakened senses or awareness that give strength to my Spiritual self. My perception of my energies and the energies around me are growing and becoming more vivid. I am learning to distinguish between my personal energy, the earth energies and the “cosmos” energies. My drive to heal the creatures that come to me for rehabilitation continues with my understanding of the “purpose” or “abilities” of each type of energy. Instead of using my personal energy to try and heal one that is injured, I visualize the energies of the Earth and the Universe to work with the creature.

This course introduced me to the concept of the Astral Plane and my own astral body. I am learning to visualize the cleansing of the silver cord and the placing of my golden light within this astral body. The concept is new to me. I am sure over time, this will become second nature and many more opportunities will present themselves that deal with the ‘spiritual” or astral plane and the beings that live there. If I remember correctly, there are eleven levels that were introduced. As with any introduction, it is but a doorway through which I am entering.

I am learning different ways of perceiving the worlds around me, to release my fear of the unknown (which is taught), and to embrace others without judgment.

An added bonus to taking this course is getting to know Amy Long. Through the sharing of her life experiences and approach to subjects, she has given the blessing of herself. With this, I would like to say thanks to all who played a part in my journey through Spirit-Quest.

Rev. Sherri Roberts


Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.

As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials and courses in Metaphysics, Paganism, Spiritual Development and Christian Studies

Friday, January 7, 2011

Spirit Quest


I used to use affirmations every day, especially in more difficult times in my life. At first, I really wondered if the affirmations were of any value at all: it seemed almost "silly". But then, almost imperceptibly, I began to look forward to the affirmations and I found that slowly but surely, they were manifesting themselves in my life - I began to believe them! Moreover, the affirmations made me feel good physically and good about myself.

Affirmations are a powerful tool to use in everyday life. Often times, especially in the mundane, work-a-day world, we find ourselves under-appreciated or invalidated by those around us. Affirmations allow us to feel good from the person that really matters most in this case - ourselves!

For those who are skeptical - try it and give it time. Believe and be amazed - you can be even more than you are today! :)

Yours in the Way,



Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.

As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary.

Try our new free toolbar at: ULC Toolbar


Thursday, January 6, 2011

Spirit Quest

Universal Life Church
Setting Spiritual Goal's

Moving in and out of love that is something we as human's need to work on, it's not impossible that we can fix any problem even this. People in that time of life has to turn to God for his leadership and guidance. Now one of my goals has come to be and that is to do a funeral for a friend who was a young man 37 years old in body in mind maybe 5 at best, I thought that I couldn't do it but, we can do anything through Christ if we only trust and believe in his teaching. Now that brings me to the thing at hand which is my word. To me a man is only as good as his word and that was the way it was before I am talking about years past. Now today there is too much going the wrong way and seems like no one care's anymore or is it just me that feels that way?


What if we can't forgive others do we think that God should forgive us any way. I don't believe it works like that with God in his word, and his guidance, for us and forgiveness is for the one that is asking as it should be for the one he is asking to forgiveness. That is to say Christ is forgiveness so are we better than him? I think not. Let us be more like Christ and less like the world we are in, but we shouldn't be part of that world.

Grounding and center of the Head

This is a funny thing to be doing, but it does work if we learn to just think about what we are doing and why we are doing it. To think is a short word for meditation, but simple people like me have simple minds that is me. Now I would say that I have learn a lot from the few lesson's than I thought I would so that make's me one step closer to my main goal that is to be a help to my pastor, my friend and my brother and maybe not in that order. Now for the grounding part we could and do have a lot of fun with it, but that is how I think it should be.

I have made a few changes in this time and some are good for helping me learn that when we start to feel the thing's our world puts in our way. We can stop and go to that chair in the middle of that room at any time and any place if or when we need to. I know that it work's real good. When I go to that chair to meditate or as I said before to think about any problem like the way our country has been and still doing to us. This thing with the oil today, I think we need to meditate on this and see if we can help and what has happened to our country this is my thoughts.

Meditation Golden Sun

I have a shop that I clean all the time, but it stays in a mess and I don't let it make my day a mess I agree that all Neutral Energy and Positive Energy comes from God and Negative Energy from the world as this lesson say's. The world as we know it now is different than it was when I was small as I grew so did my small town, now it is not a small town any more. I can only hope that it grows spiritually and not bringing the crime like the bigger town. I spend more time trying to get the thing's as it was when I was small out of the way and try to grow as my small town grows I stop to look back at some of the things that was growing some are not good for us I hope that we know the difference I pray that it gets better and we know our country would come back to God before it is too late. Now the energy that I replaced is the negative energy with positive energy and not just that I put my faith in my Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST, if right or wrong can't help that. One thing that I have not used as to now, but this is something that I need to say if you have a problem you can't fix, give it to the Lord. He is the one that made us, so how can he not be the better to fix us that is my question? The protection rose is a way of getting rid of negative thing that are not good for us, but if these thing aren't faced it can make a mess of one's life. We need to take care of that problem as soon as possible. Now to neglect anything that can become a problem is a good way of letting it become a down fall to us. The protection rose is also a good way of getting it taken care of by getting rid of negativity is to create a rose of protection and take it and blow it up.  If you need to create as many as you need. I get more out of mine though by using this Rose of Protection and my Meditation. I know that to think about something to a point of knowing how to make it work. Now to make it to strengthen the effectiveness of our tool's by imagining large amounts of details. Using the mind's eye or the third person wouldn't that be about the something? Give yourself time to think about the other's that is in the center of your head then you can invite them to leave.

Good people create good thing's creating is about bring new thing's into the world that was not there before. Creating is good. Women create babies, women create and that is a good thing. Destroying has a negative concept to it. Hurricanes destroy, tornadoes destroy. Destroying is as needed to life as creating is, what if there was no destruction? What would the world look like I can't imagine what house's would be like if we create and not destroy? On the positive side nobody would ever get divorced. If you want to buy new clothes you have to make room in your closet for them or in time space would go away, get the picture? Creating and destroying something can do two thing. First thing it does is to bring what you have created into present time. This means that as we become more capable we are bringing our tool's with us. Second thing that creating and destroying does is to move energy. The last time you were angry and you could not let it go , it may have been something big or small, but you just could not let it go, most of these thing was stuck energy. One kind of energy is called Earth Energy, this is the energy that comes from the plant. I am sure that the earth is, and has its own energy. As for it being and having a consciousness or an awareness well I don't know too much to say about that.


Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.

As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials and courses in Metaphysics, Paganism, Spiritual Development and Christian Studies

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Spirit Quest

Hi Amy,
Working towards my Spirit-Quest, Masters in Metaphysics has been a very rewarding journey. I have learned how something as simple as grounding can pull you through just about anything.

I lost my daughter to unexpected death a few months ago.  It has really been difficult to deal with many aspects of my life.  However, this course has helped me be able to move through many of the pitfalls that come with grief and what if’s, fairly well.

Prior to this I was in a particularly stressful job, which did not bring out the best in me.  This course taught me how to ground myself, and use the roses to protect myself from and get rid of all the negative energy that was coming to me.  To let all the bad run right out of me.  It was amazing how it would instantly ease my burden and give me a new perspective.  This course also taught me how to create my own reality.  To forgive, and move on, to not let bad energy stay in my space.  

Even now, if a bad situation arises, I catch myself coming out of my protection mode as I call it.  Others have noticed it too. And I am not angry.  I am better equipped to handle my life and all the aspects of it.  Now that I have grown spiritually, I realize that other people’s problems are not mine. Not saying that I don’t help others. I am huge in community service.  I am saying that their problems are not my cross to bear.  I cannot fix them. I am responsible for me.  If we each take care of ourselves, I feel that we will be better grounded to mother earth and able to help out in situations where people may really need a hand, ear or shoulder. 

Terrie Hawkins


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more.

Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.We also offer many free wedding ceremonies for your use.

The  ULC, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary.

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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Spirit Quest

Dear Amy,

I’m finally getting a chance to write down what I learned from the Spirit Quest course. It was a very good course, and although many things that were covered I learned during my Reiki and Spiritual Counselor courses.

I think that getting people to think in a new light can have a profound impact not only on themselves, but the people close to them which ripples out to the entire world. At times you may feel like you’re not doing much, but in fact everything we try to do positively does in fact have impact.

Some of the tools I found most useful I will list next.

First, a very important tool that all spiritual workers should learn is Protection. Without it, we soak up and carry other people’s energy with us whether bad or good. It’s like it wipes off them and super glues it to our aura which will seep into everything we touch and do. I had not used the protection rose before but used a protective purple bubble, so it was different, but an exciting way to look at and try a new form of visualization for protection. 

Another part I found very good was How Spirit Communicates. The numerology section was very good. I’ve been actually using a form of numerology for myself in times when numbers seem to just “stand out” and sure enough when added up, the numbers make total sense for what I’m looking for. Example: My favorite and resounding number has always been 9. When I started calling out for the Goddess to make herself known, Oya answered. Her magickal number is 9. When I’m not sure about something  or am trying to decide something, if 9 comes up I know it’s a sign of the positive nature and I should follow that path.

Getting Unstuck helped me a lot. I tend to hit bumps and now using the tools of amusement and the possibilities that there are other possibilities besides the one I’m “stuck” on… really opens my mind. It’s an amazing thought.  Here’s an example of how I’ve used this wonderful tool. I have a client that comes for Reiki. She’s been suffering with a rare pelvic disorder for over 3 years. She is constantly focusing in on the negative and how she feels she’ll never get better. I was getting sick of hearing this from her because it was nonconductive to her healing. The more comfortable I got with her, the more I started to get her laughing and thinking about other things. 

In fact one time I made the joke, “How about I drop a rock on your foot.” She looked at me stunned, “What’s that going to do?” she asked. I said, “Well, it’s going to hurt, but it will take your mind off the pelvic pain for a little while.” Well, this got her laughing and she started to lighten up. Since then she’s had better days and even communicates with crystals I use during her healing.
Sometimes when I’ve been with a patient I feel tired and heavy… this is when I realize that I need a good cleansing and clear my chakras. I cannot express how important the chakras are to our living systems and how we feel physically, emotionally and spiritually.

I hope this helps give a better understanding of how I have interpreted the course. I found through this course, I could focus better on my intents which has improved my Reiki sessions, I’ve found ways to better protect myself from sucking up other’s problems/energy, I’ve learned how to better communicate with higher beings and my spirit guides. I notice my hands although they’ve always been hot when I work on clients have become hotter and they tingle. I actually work up a sweat now when doing Reiki. I think it’s part and par because of the course.
I really enjoyed it and look forward to hopefully taking more in the future.

Many blessings,
Rev. Kimberly Bateau


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more.

Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.

The  ULC, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary.

Try our new free toolbar at: ULC Toolbar

Monday, January 3, 2011

Spirit Quest

Dear Amy,

I’m finally getting a chance to write down what I learned from the Spirit Quest course. It was a very good course, and although many things that were covered I learned during my Reiki and Spiritual Counselor courses.

I think that getting people to think in a new light can have a profound impact not only on themselves, but the people close to them which ripples out to the entire world. At times you may feel like you’re not doing much, but in fact everything we try to do positively does in fact have impact.

Some of the tools I found most useful I will list next.

First, a very important tool that all spiritual workers should learn is Protection. Without it, we soak up and carry other people’s energy with us whether bad or good. It’s like it wipes off them and super glues it to our aura which will seep into everything we touch and do. I had not used the protection rose before but used a protective purple bubble, so it was different, but an exciting way to look at and try a new form of visualization for protection. 

Another part I found very good was How Spirit Communicates. The numerology section was very good. I’ve been actually using a form of numerology for myself in times when numbers seem to just “stand out” and sure enough when added up, the numbers make total sense for what I’m looking for. Example: My favorite and resounding number has always been 9. When I started calling out for the Goddess to make herself known, Oya answered. Her magickal number is 9. When I’m not sure about something  or am trying to decide something, if 9 comes up I know it’s a sign of the positive nature and I should follow that path.

Getting Unstuck helped me a lot. I tend to hit bumps and now using the tools of amusement and the possibilities that there are other possibilities besides the one I’m “stuck” on… really opens my mind. It’s an amazing thought.  Here’s an example of how I’ve used this wonderful tool. I have a client that comes for Reiki. She’s been suffering with a rare pelvic disorder for over 3 years. She is constantly focusing in on the negative and how she feels she’ll never get better. I was getting sick of hearing this from her because it was nonconductive to her healing. The more comfortable I got with her, the more I started to get her laughing and thinking about other things. 

In fact one time I made the joke, “How about I drop a rock on your foot.” She looked at me stunned, “What’s that going to do?” she asked. I said, “Well, it’s going to hurt, but it will take your mind off the pelvic pain for a little while.” Well, this got her laughing and she started to lighten up. Since then she’s had better days and even communicates with crystals I use during her healing.
Sometimes when I’ve been with a patient I feel tired and heavy… this is when I realize that I need a good cleansing and clear my chakras. I cannot express how important the chakras are to our living systems and how we feel physically, emotionally and spiritually.

I hope this helps give a better understanding of how I have interpreted the course. I found through this course, I could focus better on my intents which has improved my Reiki sessions, I’ve found ways to better protect myself from sucking up other’s problems/energy, I’ve learned how to better communicate with higher beings and my spirit guides. I notice my hands although they’ve always been hot when I work on clients have become hotter and they tingle. I actually work up a sweat now when doing Reiki. I think it’s part and par because of the course.
I really enjoyed it and look forward to hopefully taking more in the future.

Many blessings,
Rev. Kimberly Bateau


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more.

Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.

The  ULC, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary.

Try our new free toolbar at: ULC Toolbar