Master of Metaphysics

This blog is for the comments regarding the Master of Metaphysics - Spirit Quest program offered through the Universal Life Church and their online seminary program.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Spirit Quest

Hi Amy,
Working towards my Spirit-Quest, Masters in Metaphysics has been a very rewarding journey. I have learned how something as simple as grounding can pull you through just about anything.

I lost my daughter to unexpected death a few months ago.  It has really been difficult to deal with many aspects of my life.  However, this course has helped me be able to move through many of the pitfalls that come with grief and what if’s, fairly well.

Prior to this I was in a particularly stressful job, which did not bring out the best in me.  This course taught me how to ground myself, and use the roses to protect myself from and get rid of all the negative energy that was coming to me.  To let all the bad run right out of me.  It was amazing how it would instantly ease my burden and give me a new perspective.  This course also taught me how to create my own reality.  To forgive, and move on, to not let bad energy stay in my space.  

Even now, if a bad situation arises, I catch myself coming out of my protection mode as I call it.  Others have noticed it too. And I am not angry.  I am better equipped to handle my life and all the aspects of it.  Now that I have grown spiritually, I realize that other people’s problems are not mine. Not saying that I don’t help others. I am huge in community service.  I am saying that their problems are not my cross to bear.  I cannot fix them. I am responsible for me.  If we each take care of ourselves, I feel that we will be better grounded to mother earth and able to help out in situations where people may really need a hand, ear or shoulder. 

Terrie Hawkins


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more.

Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.We also offer many free wedding ceremonies for your use.

The  ULC, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary.

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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Spirit Quest

Spirit Quest

by Rev. Ruth Roberts

With all the wonderful things I’ve learned from this course, it has been a pleasant chore to sort out favorites. I have decided to write about the ones that have made the biggest changes. I will start with the Golden Sun.

One particularly exciting incident was the removal of my energy from a previous work place. I enjoyed my job there and all the people involved. I was there much of my time as I tended to work a lot of overtime (my choice). A better paying job came along so, as much as I loved my work, I left for the money. That was in 1987. Since that time, up until I started this course, my dreams were filled with this place. It was unbelievable how often I dreamed of it and the key people who worked there. It was, to say the least, rather annoying. When I read about, and used, the small Golden Sun to go into this place and remove my energy (it took a couple of times to totally clear), this changed. I have not dreamed of this place since. It has been wonderful for me. I am finally at peace with it.

The “Competition” section has been another blessing for me. I have a co-worker that fell into this area. She couldn’t stand me and after a while I didn’t like being around her, talking to her, or listening to her talk on the phone. The tension had gotten pretty bad. She always spoke to me in a demeaning, superior manner and constantly looking for something I did incorrectly then would to my boss about it (which never got me in trouble as the were petty complaints). The “Competition” lesson came just in time. It was a job saver as I was getting ready to quit my job just to get away from all the tension as I didn’t know what the problem was. After reading the section, however, it showed me what the problem was. She and I had the same job title and she was there before me, thus the competition.
I practiced hard on the spiritual “Hello” every day for a while and let it go to see what would happen. There has not been a tremendous change in our relationship. It has taken a little while as it didn’t happen over night, but we get along quite well now. There is no more tension, we pitch in and help each other out when needed, and she will actually come into my office just to chat. Thank God this has happened. The tension is gone and the work environment is much more pleasant. Believe it or not, just the understanding of what was going on and the spiritual connection has brought about this unique change.

I have also gotten very good results from the destroying of roses. My most recent, and most important, action with putting my problems into the rose and destroying them was due to the pain, sorrow, and uncertainty of events surrounding the death of my Mother. I have recently used the roses to help me deal with this. I would put one issue at a time into the rose and destroy it and filling up with the Golden Sun. I would do this a couple of times and then create a rose and put Love into it and do the same thing. It has helped my cope with this event much better. I am still very sad, but the creation and destruction of the roses has helped heal the excruciating pain and I have found a lot of inner peace. It helped push me through the most devastating parts of the grieving process.

This course is full of so much knowledge and so many tools that I have needed in my life. There are no words that can express my gratitude for such a course. I know that as I continue using these my life will be more peaceful and prosperous.


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more.

Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.

The  ULC, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary.

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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Spirit Quest

by Rev. C.Vickers
Master of Metaphysics

Beginning this quest brought about more than an opportunity to read impressions of experiences on the exercises in the assignments. It literally created very interesting synchronicity in my life. The inner work on spirit saw a result in my world experiences.

It is great to heal the self through enriching assignments and to cultivate a life experience that rewards reflection. One of the first reflection exercises was, "Start with the idea that God (Supreme Being, Higher Power, Lord of All Creation, etc) WANTS you to succeed. " You were created to succeed." The blueprint of your life and your goal as a being is all geared towards success. Failure is a lie." This became a powerful premise for thoughtful deliberate consideration of the self. It led to a great weeks and evaluation of what I really do want. My contemplation and meditation assisted in what I would like to envision my successes. Again, great food for thought.

As mentioned in the beginning of the essay the assignments do take you on a journey to support personal experiences and interactions, and the exercises create stirrings of memories and dreams you seek to create. Then you start noticing that the work is bringing together other pieces of your life. It is easy to accept this once acknowledged you become aware of responding to cues from others and have changed responses because of having done the exercises. In numerous little ways, something was shifting.

This spirit work often reflected in my work for my show, sometimes as themes for the week, it provided links into the connections with the guests as well as be reading further studies in the area of my weekly assignment. I really enjoyed these connections because the conversations were often in depth discoveries of the topics.

It was such a pleasure to be able to fully engage in this project, see the benefits immediately, and understand that all work chosen can be part of the passion for success and positive outcomes. Spirit Quest helped me keep on track of my personal journey as well as my professional image and relationships.


Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.

As a long time member of ULC, Rev. Long created the seminary site to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials and courses in Metaphysics, Paganism, Spiritual Development and Christian Studies

Sunday, October 21, 2012



by Michael S Barth

The Spirit-Quest course is just what I needed. From the very first lesson I received, my life began to change for the better. From the first lesson, I realized I needed to make a list of spiritual goals such as losing weight and quit smoking in order to be healthier and to be able to respect my body as well as my spirit better since I believe that my body is a temple that should be treated very well. With the lesson on forgiveness, I needed to learn how to forgive people including myself. I had built up anger and resentments through my life which cause me to have temper tantrums and anger outbursts. After writing some letters to the people that I felt anger and resentful towards, a lot of that anger and resentful feelings just disappeared. Another lesson I gained a lot from was the lesson that dealt with competition, both physical and spiritual. I was an athlete from elementary school through my sophomore year in high school. I was always driven to win that game that we were playing. But I was always telling myself and other people how much better I was than them which are spiritual competition which isn’t good. I realize that now after taking this course that I am no better and no worse than anyone else that I know or will come to know. Because of this spiritual competition, I spent a lot of time being isolated and separated from people and God. I also learned to speak in the positive since that is what the universe hears. I am still working on improving my speaking in the positive since I have been speaking in the negative pretty much all my life. I liked the lesson on amusement. Since I work in a big grocery store, a lot of people come through so I sometimes try to amuse the customers as they check out. I am working on be more amusing and less sarcastic which at times is amusing when the time is right.

Another lesson that stuck out at me is the lesson on music. There are some songs that just vibrate with me just the right way. If I am having a bad day, music will be able to turn that around and I will finish that day out pretty happy since the music resonates with me real good. The lesson in asking the right questions was a great lesson for me. A lot of the times, I end up asking the question in a bad way and then I get a bad response to that question or don’t get the answer I was looking for. Sometimes, I will have a question but don’t ask it which is considered omission and also a case of not asking the right question. I also found some things interesting from the lesson about pain. The thing that I really liked about the pain lesson was the Emotional Cellular Release Therapy that was mentioned and described how emotions like anger and resentment are stored in our bodies in different places and if these emotions sit there long enough, they will create illness.

The money lesson was a very important lesson to me because I am one of those people who would never worry about money and I would go out and shop to buy things because that is how I valued money. But since reading this lesson, the way I have valued money is not the way I want to value it anymore. I did some meditating on this and decided to come up with a budget to live within and the budget includes pay off my credit card bill which has a sizable (at least to me) balance on it. I am viewing money as a safety net for the future, my retirement, and for unexpected emergencies. I think that money does symbolize power and status, at least here in the United States. I am not after money for the status of having it or the power that might come with it. I am just using it as a safety net so that I can lead a decent life so I can help others in their lives too.

I found this course very worthy while and will keep each lesson that was e-mailed to me so I can review them more times in the future. There are a lot of great things that I have learned from this course. I will keep incorporating things from Spirit-Quest into my life.

The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more.

Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.

The  ULC, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary.

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Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Spirit-Quest Final Essay
Master of Metaphysics Course

I’d first like to especially thank Amy for all her hard work. This 30-week course was enlightening and flowed easily. I encourage all to sign up today and learn for yourself the benefits and knowledge this course offers.

The course starts off with the statement that "each course has a concept." The concept is that you are a perfect spiritual being on a unique course. This course is designed by both you and by God and God loves you no matter what you choose. This concept runs throughout the course.

One of the first areas covered is the value of your word. Your word is the most important thing you have to offer, besides love. Your word is not just thrown out there, it is set in stone. You make it your priority. You bring honor to yourself and to God each time you keep your word. So, be aware of your intentions. Another area to touch briefly on is forgiveness. Forgiveness is for the one who forgives. You don’t just forgive somebody; you also are forgiving yourself. With forgiveness comes freedom. Forgiveness is a choice. Use it and forgive someone today and you will also make yourself happy.

I really loved the discourse on meditation and grounding. Grounding gives your energy a place to go. Use your third eye in the space in the center of your head. You can imagine a giant view screen. This screen serves the purpose of seeing in all directions; future, past and much more. You are relaxed in a chair and you are imaging a grounding cord. This is an object that connects you to the center of the earth. Let all your foreign energy slide down the grounding cord. Any energy that isn’t yours is leaving your space. Now breathe deeply and fill that empty space with the light of God. Your are now finished with your grounding meditation. You can open your eyes and enjoy the feeling of peace, love and happiness. At this point you stand up and imagine dropping your grounding cord.

There is then a discourse on the Golden Sun: the light of God, the gold light of celestial love. There are small golden, sticky suns that pick up your energy you left at different places and bring them to the big Golden Sun above your head. Bring the Golden Sun into your body and gain all your energy back. This is the first step towards spiritual fulfillment.

Another part of your meditation is the protection rose. It is the image of a rose, created in your mind’s eye, that will protect you from unwanted energies. Postulate that this rose has the ability to absorb energy. The rose is like a force-field that protects around your body in a 360-degree radius. It keeps unwanted energy away from you. Now you get to destroy the rose any way you can postulate. You have now done away with the foreign energy. If you have extra bad energy left, imagine another rose and destroy that one too. Now to fill the empty space, bring in that golden sun again.

This discourse covers different types of energies, mock-ups, chakras, karma, affirmations, spirit communications and much, much more. It is a very fulfilling course. This course definitely helps you in your walk as a minister. I know I’m better off after taking the Spirit-Quest course.

In Christ Jesus name,

Rev. Nancy Rutledge


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more.

Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.

The  ULC, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary.

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Sunday, September 30, 2012

Spirit Quest

Spirit Quest

Spirit Quest Final Essay
by Rev. Jessica Marshall   
My life and spiritual practices have undergone some profound changes since starting the Spirit Quest course. One of the most significant changes is the development of my meditation place in my mind. For me this place is a large wheat field with an old oak tree in the center of the field. I sit under or in this magnificent old tree watching the golden wheat bow in the gentle prairie winds. In this place all my spiritual work begins, I run my energy here, I ground myself here, and I call my energy back and remove unwanted energy here. Something I found interesting was how the tools given in this course have evolved for me over the duration of the 30 weeks. Some examples of the evolution are grounding cords turned to roots for me. Much like those of my oak tree, they run deep into Mother Earth and flow out from me in a wide circle. From these roots I can expel larger amounts of unwanted energy and draw in more healing energy from the Earths center. In the last few weeks I have begun playing with energy bubbles rather then energy suns for drawing my energy back to me. With these bubbles I found that I can draw them right to me covering myself in them and allowing them to absorb back into my body. I can send these bubbles in swarms to my children and others making my work as a spiritual healer easier and more effective. Some of the tools I use the most are the manifestation tools. I have brought to myself my spinning wheel, money to pay bills, people back into my life that meant a lot to me as a child and a wonderful friend and as I sit here composing this essay I am waiting to hear back from a job that is perfect for me and my family.  
One thing this course and other events in my life have taught me is that every moment of my life is a miracle. Every minute with my husband, my children, my friends and family is a miracle but the most profound miracle in my life is when I manifested a cure for my cancer. Not only am I cancer free but I have no scaring from any of the medical procedures I had to endure. While becoming cancer free really was a profound moment it is the nothing to the miracles my preemie son has seen in his 19 months; he is walking, talking, growing so big and over coming his difficult start and that as a mother is the most moving miracle ever. Holding my 17 year old dog as she transitioned leaving her pain behind was a wonderful gift and miracle for me. Being kissed good bye by my aunts' spirit when she transitioned in a hospital 15 minutes away from where I was at the time was a miracle. The sun shine today, the rain that may come tomorrow, the snow in the winter are all miracles to me. A miracle is made in every minute as long as we look through eyes of universal love and see the profound beauty given to us by God.
About six months before starting this course I became a level 3 reiki practitioner and was already on a path of spiritual renewal and growth however the tools I have been given during this course have allowed me to adjust my life and increase my spiritual awareness in ways I never knew where possible. I am happier as a person, I smile more, and I am more outgoing and more willing to give myself as a companion and friend. My family is happier and my husband and I are closer as a couple. I find myself helping others in understanding how the universe affects our minds, bodies, and spirits more often and it is easier for me to guide others through their daily troubles. My talks with Spirit have been greatly improved through visual communication and dreams as now I can understand that these are tools and I have learned how to use them. Over all, this course has not only improved my understanding of myself and family but has proved to be invaluable in furthering my spirituality, my natural abilities and my skills and a spiritual leader and lightworker.
The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more. 
Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button. 
The  ULC, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary.  
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Friday, September 14, 2012

Spirit Quest

Spirit Quest

by Rev. Sandra Josey, Bishop, HPs, ULC, COCM

First and foremost I want to thank you for your dedication and effort (s) in presenting me the opportunity to further my education and spiritual walk.

As I’ve stated on the forum previously I started this course eagerly and with much positive anticipation. The fist few lessons were confirmations to me that I was, indeed, upon my correct spiritual truth-path. Grounding, centering, were things that I was already doing and already teaching to others.

As the lessons continued I was to be found having a complete knee-joint replacement. Only by grounding, centering, using my roses, blowing them up, bringing in my suns, allowing the pain to go into the middle of the earth and be re-born as positive healing did I make it through. Did it work?

“Oh my goodness, you’re healing so fast!”, or “My, your scar looks incredible, I’ve never seen anything like this!” to “I can’t believe you’re walking so well in such a short time!” Confirmations, affirmations, whatever you want to call it… and Spirit Quest have helped me through a time in my life that could have been much worse on this old Crone.

More? My grandson infected with the MRSA bacteria. On the brink of losing him, I enfolded him in a blue healing rose while blowing up his infection in a black one…he’s doing just fine. Was it me? No, never me, but the combination of my learning the Spirit Quest techniques and believing in them; a Doctor who recognized the infection; and most importantly the Mother Goddess and Father God who allowed me to learn this technique and be able to use it with intent; I give full credit.

The next door neighbor whose cancer has returned and is in despair. A young friend who needed and is going through a rare liver disease and transplant. Spirit Quest and what I’ve learned here has been a tremendous help with how I’ve responded to each person, how I’ve been able to counsel them, pray for them.

I am also a Shamanic Student. What I am learning there and what I’ve learned here are becoming merged as one. We are all connected; everything and everyone that has been, is now, and will be. Each turn of our Mother Earth and all upon Her is connected to us. “We are star stuff, Grammy” my grandson said to me one night as we gazed at the universe. “Why do you say that?” I asked. “Well, if God/dess made us, and the stars, then S/He’s in both”.

Am I on the right Spiritual path? I am. I’m happy, complete, and comfortable in my truth. Living as well as I can, learning my lessons and asking for wisdom to carry them forward to others who are on their journeys.

The most important factor in all this is that I’ve laid down my fear. All I can do is to live my life moment by moment. Not minute by minute, hour by hour nor day by day. Each moment precious, each one a gift; each a life and a death then a life again, thus the circle continues. Spirit Quest has given me the tools to become better able to do this for myself and help those who come into my world understand that they are eternal; Spiritual, Divine, part and parcel of the I AM, the WHOLE.

Spirit Quest added tools, from that confidence, in that peace.


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more.

Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.

The  ULC, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary.

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Saturday, September 1, 2012

Spirit Quest

Spirit Quest

by Sharon Corrigan

It has taken me several additional months to conclude this course due to personal schedule conflicts. However, I am actually happy to have had the time to review this course and the accompanying exercises.

I must confess when I first began using the “grounding cord” I didn’t think it particularly remarkable, having my own techniques for grounding. I also found it very difficult to create and blow up roses, even though I recognized the concept of creation and destruction. Certainly, we all want new things to come into our lives, yet, to take time to remove the old, worn & outmoded is often a drudgery that we wish to avoid if possible.

So having admitted my resistance to both the exercises above which are given very early on in this course, I must also say that over time I’ve been pleasantly surprised in the results received from practicing them. In my early resistance to these, I was not consistent. More recently, I have been using them much more regularly. I find the grounding exercise, not only grounds me but actually helps me rid myself of excess energy. I often imagine fears and negativity flowing through the grounding cord and flowing down to the center of the Earth’s molten core, thereby, not polluting the Earth, but be dissolved and purified.

When I perform the rose exercise, the important facet of the exercise for me is the destruction of the rose.. This destruction process has helped me look at areas of my life for what no longer serves me and release the unwanted elements. I guess I use both techniques as a way of releasing and letting go. Perhaps, that is important in my own personal development right now, for it certainly comes easy to me. The grounding cord is a general way to get rid of all the unwanted. The rose is used for particularly intentions and the satisfaction of destroying the intended rose has become quite satisfying.

I have found the Spirit Quest Course very clear and easy to read. It offers introductory information on many compelling subjects from the Chakras to Reincarnation. Each weekly chapter gives information & exercises that allow the student to interact with the material.

I have enjoyed this course and look forward to participating in other courses the Seminary has to offer in the future.


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more.

Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.

The  ULC, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials.  I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary.

Try our new free toolbar at: ULC Toolbar

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Final essay, Insights Into Awareness by Constance Hitts

     The spiritual path for me began approximately ten years ago.    For the years previous I denied many of my Catholic up- bringing beliefs and looked more towards the mystical aspects for answers of why I am here on earth.  With hours of study and research along with interaction with fellow searchers, I have come full circle with knowing God and Jesus Christ.  I now cherish my religion and background, with the understanding that it is not the structure of the church it is more about grasping the concepts of God and the Love that is unconditionally given to each of us.  Thru the years the Celestine Prophecy was one of the books I have read and re-read frequently.  Author, James Redfield, did a fine writing of the Insights with a story line that held my interest.
     Most interesting was the concepts of drawing and using others energy to raise your personal levels of energy.  I have spent hours watching this occur within my social circle.  One person is always reaching for the top of the energy fields from others.  Thru the Fourth Insight the fact of using your childhood experiences from your parents and what their "drama" was and then how this affected your own personal drama, shaping the traits that you carry with you throughout your lifetime.  If you do not recognize and define your personal traits and dramas the road to self awareness will be slower.  Once these attributes are resolved the possibility of acting upon the universal energy is shown to you thru synchronicities.  This leads to a connection with the universe and the universal mind.

    Recognizing the synchronicities in your life is spiritually uplifting.  The 'knowing' and then the validations from the Divine gives us the confidence to move forward.  This occurs as either positive reinforcement that the path is correct or the not so good feeling in the solar plexus that points to a change in plans is needed to fulfill your heart's desire.  All the coincidences that occur have a deeper meaning that meditation can help us see objectively.
     There does seem to be a mass of people who have taken upon themselves a self-realization of the 'Greater Power of the Divine' that is ever present.  We are not left on this planet to fend for ourselves; we do have help from God and the Higher Spirit realms to tap into thru prayer and listening to the Word for the answers.  Each of us travels our own journey and paths may cross, still it is our path is our only concern.   Branch out to see the paths of others, but do not interfere with their decisions, show only love for what they are trying to accomplish while at the same time look lovingly at your journey during this lifetime.  Allowing, without judgment.  Allowing is generally not to difficult, judgment can be the challenge.    There is a certain amount of judgment in every interaction.  Try using 'opinion' versus judgment when reaching out to someone or having them reach out to you, they do not want to be judged, just understood.  Helping with an opinion of their situation is most kind, rather than pointing out the right or wrong of their predicament.
     As a Spiritual Counselor, bring awareness to the client lets them know that there is a Universal Power that can lead them straight.  Living the life is the best example for anyone.  Listening and waiting for the person to ask the important questions.  They know in their soul the question, sometime we can just act a facilitator to bring these questions and answers to the foreground.  Yet, above all it is about the listening skills that gives comfort to the client.  Also, presenting yourself in a peaceful, loving manner exudes confidence in all situations.
     The final Insight as explained in Lesson 18 was my most profound lesson.  "Creating confidence" in our personal spiritual journey is the way.  Letting go of others judgment is finding confidence and knowing within ourselves.  Accept guidance and if you are fortunate enough to have a spiritual mentor, listen to their advice. With all that said it is still your choice for the direction you take.  The connection you make with the Divine is personal, and with that great connection, comes the enlightenment of the connection to the ALL.  The knowing of just what unites the masses.  As is said that the flap of a butterflies wings can be felt across the universe.
     Thank you, Rev. King, for an outstanding presentation on the Celestine Insights.  I enjoyed these lessons whole heartily.  Rating this among the top of the classes I have taken at the Universal Life Church seminary.
Rev. Constance J. Hitts

Friday, August 10, 2012

Spirit Quest by Lucia Camara

Spirit Quest Program Wrap Essay

The impact of the Spirit Quest Program was very interesting and enlightening. My perception was that some of the discourses appeared to be based in a real sense of fear. Here are some examples: the fear of not being protected, the fear of doing things incorrectly, good vs. evil, positive and negative, etc. This was surprising to me in comparison to where I have chosen to live my life, my healing practice, and my ministry.

As human beings we have learned and lived from a point a fear for 2000 years. This has not been as beneficial as one may have thought. It was beneficial to learn some important aspects of evolving, however teaching and living from the point of fear are outdated. The true teachings from the many sacred beings that have come before were from a being in the present moment, in the pure energy of simple love. Evolving from the fear base in our lives and moving towards living life on every level from the point of love is a way of becoming enlightened. The discourses did give me the opportunity to understand what I hold as beliefs in my life and how I live those beliefs.

For fifteen years, I have chosen to base my healing and teaching practice, as well as my ministry from the belief that “no harm created, no harm will follow.” This has served me well. From that point, the Divine is pure love, universal life energy, which is life giving and sustaining. A few of the discourses that came from a sense of fear were surprising. Understanding that I am capable of learning something from every experience, and noting that in the beginning of the program it was written to take what felt comfortable, this was what I followed.

The discourses that I found the most helpful and able to integrate into my life were: Creating Your Own Reality, Speaking In The Positive, Asking The Right Question, and Forgiveness. In Creating Your Own Reality, the information given was wonderful and seemed to easily be applied. Perhaps it was the added push to read and practice the information that suited my beliefs in life, which reinforced what had already been learned and read. The impact continues to be a daily part of life.

Speaking In The Positive helped to cinch without a question a thought process that now has become a thoughtful way of life. The interaction and response from the communities, people, and family is very pleasant. Communication is clearer and concise on all levels.

Asking The Right Question allowed the recognition of the mindfulness that is needed in the areas that would benefit from change. Creating a heartfelt intention and investing energy into the well thought out request has made a very positive impact.

The Forgiveness discourse gave the opportunity to look at everything that was uncomfortable in life, and come to a wonderful healing resolve. I now understand that forgiveness is not only for others, but makes the greatest strides when it is applied to self. This is a point that is too easily forgotten in the ever changing and evolving world.

Rev. Lucia Camara


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Spirit Quest by Rev. Birgit Altenhofen

Master of Metaphysics Degree

I enjoyed every lesson and learned many new things throughout this course. The Spirit quest is mostly for beginners but also advanced seekers can learn from it as well. The exercises were simple and easy to learn. I was surprised at my ability to be able to experience all these things.

What I appreciated the most was the explanation of setting spiritual goals and the spiritual path. It is important to know that we all can take charge of our life instead of our life taking charge of us. Most of us don’t know that life is a precious gift. We can choose our own reality and choose between love or fear. We can experience the truth of our reality as love. To do this, we must, each moment, refuse to be limited by the fearful thoughts of the past or the worries about the future. We limit our minds when we see value in making a fearful past as real. As a result, our minds can only look fearfully at all that is to come, and cannot enjoy the present in peace and love.

We are what we believe. In Spirit Quest I learned to get to know my inner Self and feel connected to the inner wisdom. This experience is a sense of total freedom. I realized that when I am totally present there is only love. It is a wonderful feeling.

I started watching my thoughts, words and actions a while ago. Every day I wake up in the morning, and I consciously create my day I want it to happen. Little surprising things happen through out the day. I am getting better and I am more focused on the reality in me than the outside world. My inner peace becomes stronger too.

It feels good to know that we all the same and there is really nothing to fear. What I see in the outside world is a reflection of what I have first seen within my own mind. I always projected onto the world the thoughts, feelings and attitudes. Now, I can see the world differently by changing my mind about what I want to see. Only my loving thoughts are real. By forgiving and letting go of the past, I freed myself of the painful burdens I have carried into the present moment. I am responsible for what I see. I choose the feelings I experience, and I decide upon the goal I would achieve. Miracles can happen when we believe in it. We attract whatever we choose to give our attention to - whether wanted or unwanted. We are powerful attractors and we can use this wonderful, god given power to attract more of what we desire in life, simply by paying attention to where we place our thoughts and desires.

In Spirit Quest we learned to meditate and visualize. I don’t have problems with visualizations but I know people who have. Maybe instead of visualizing a mental picture we could pay attention to our body. Paying attention to the body means being present and connected to the inner wisdom. I learned when I feel the energy of my inner body, immediately my mental noise slows down or ceases. I feel the life that I am and the energy running through my body.

In lesson number 26 I learned about the Michael teachings. That was the first time I heard about it. Thank you for mentioning it. I looked at the website to get more information. Knowing about the different soul ages explains why we still have primitive living in the world.

Thank you, Amy, for putting these wonderful lessons together.

Rev. Birgit Altenhofen


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have classes in Christianity, Wicca, Paganism, two courses in Metaphysics and much more.

Ordination with the Universal Life Church, is free,  and lasts for life, so use the Free Online Ordination, button.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Spirit Quest by Rev. Brooks

Spirit Quest

by Anne Marie Brooks

The Spirit Quest course was not what I expected -- it was much better. Everything was explained so well and with humor. I did not make major changes in my life probably because I am on my spiritual path with goals already which led me to taking this course. I was familiar with many of the tools and principles, as I am a Reiki Master Teacher. However, the chapters were beautifully explained. I did learn some new tools which I love and use all the time. The use of the roses and the Golden sun are my favorite. They are simple, you can do them anywhere and their uses are many. I was also was happy to see the chapters on ‘How Spirit Communicates’. It all just fit so well with everything else I am learning from other sources. It validated my spiritual path.

As for a miracle, my whole life has been a miracle but now I am aware of where miracles come from. Spirit guides must have been with me my whole for me to have survived some of the very difficult challenges I had as a child. Until the last few years here in Tucson, I didn’t believe in anything so I have come a long way and I know I have much more to learn and experience. Now I am grateful for everything that happens in my life whether good or bad. There are always lessons to be learned. The following is an example of an event that happened as a child who didn’t understand. I was left with an old man in the middle of the Las Vegas desert for him to baby sit me while my mother and step-father went out. The old man told me to take all my clothes off and get in bed. Something, I now believe was an angel or spirit guide told me to get the keys and lock myself in the car which I did. Today I know what would have happened to me had I stayed in his camper and that was just the first of many miracles I have experienced.

Rev. Anne Marie Brooks


The  ULC, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of Universal Life Church materials. 

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Spirit Quest by Jeanette Buschman

Final Spirit Quest Essay by Rev. Jeanette Buschman

I have found Spirit-Quest to be very thought provoking and helpful in realizing the power of the mind, body and spirit.

At the beginning of the Spirit Quest discourses I was asked to write down my spiritual goals and when I’d like them to be realized, and then I was asked to write down on a separate piece of paper some short term goals. For short term, I had written down 14 goals, as of today, 7 of the 14 have been realized; 50% isn’t bad. As for my spiritual goals long-term with a time line, I haven’t reached the end of the allotted amount of time I have given myself to bring these goals into manifestation. The dates range from 3-2006 to 10-2006. The ones realized have been to strengthen my relationships with my immediate family members, thanks be to God, my relationships have elevated to a healthier level. It has been a never ending struggle with my teenage son. He has a good heart and is very spiritual, but also still very young, 15 going on 30, or so he thinks.

I have to remind myself of how it was when I was 15 yrs. old.

The one for manifestation by 5-2006 was to be financially stable. Again thanks be to God, this goal has been also realized.

I believe in setting goals, you strive to manifest them, thus achieving them.

I would agree with the lesson about being true to yourself and others makes you a person of your word, which with your word comes intention. Your intention drives the force of your being.

In regards to forgiveness, I believe that forgiveness is essential to a sound mind, spirit and body.

To carry that heavy burden around is a barrier that hinders your spiritual growth and progress. To forgive is divine -- it brings you a step closer to God. A person needs to realize that any feelings you have are yours by choice, you choose to feel a certain way.

No one can make you feel a certain way nor can they change you any more than you can change them. It is all a personal choice. A personal choice to forgive, to love, to get bitter or to get better. I choose better.

In regards to the meditation process and all of the tools I have learned about there of, I have found this to be very helpful, relaxing and a thought-provoking experience. I had never envisioned being inside of my own mind, the 3rd eye, to view what ever my mind desires. Your Star-trek analogies are great.

The grounding cord created by me was an awesome connected feeling.

In a past hypnosis session I had experienced using a grounding cord to stay grounded.
This gives me a feeling of being connected to the elements of the earth more than I had ever experienced before.

After releasing and dropping foreign energy, I experienced the golden suns as an inspirational God given illuminated love that filled my being guided by the Holy Spirit. This is an awesome feeling. Spiritual indeed.

Postulating a foreign energy-absorbing protection rose has been beneficial in protection from others energy. Also using a rose for creating and destroying energy, or any thing that you do not want in you is a wonderful symbolic release of that thing that has become a hindrance.

Until this discourse I had not delved into the practice of the different types of energies, cosmic, earth and the seven chakras. This was very interesting and I believe with a lot of practice can be beneficial for the energy flow of the body.

The process of spiritual mock ups to manifest your desires, are along the same line in my opinion as prayer and a positive thought process. As most of us know, we should pray the desired result, provision not the problem. Jesus prayed this way.

People can have what they say, but instead they are saying what they have.
Confirmation is the key here.

I agree that competition can be a very unhealthy spiritual experience, it can tempt a person to accept the feelings of inadequacy, not being good enough to be best, when actually we are all equal in the eyes of the Lord. Total acceptance and a feeling of peace and love are far more important than being first or right. We need to remember that we are all part of the whole, all equal, all children of God. Equal brothers and sisters in Christ.

I have read a book called many lives, many masters that is about reincarnation. The book is about people’s past life regressions to deal with present life issues that have been of question for one reason or another. I have a very open mind in regards to this subject. The Bible does state that we were preplanned, known by God even before birth.

I have come to total acceptance that every thing in life happens for a purpose, even if we don’t understand or like it. There is usually a lesson to be learned.

This is total acceptance of God’s will.

In the grand scheme of all things, we can either accept God’s will or in a sense, we can continue to tread water. This of course gets you no where fast.

In regards to karma I have to agree that the movie called Pay it forward is a must see.

If all the people in the world would follow the lesson that movie teaches, what a wonderful life we all could lead. We can not change nor control the things of the past, but the present(a gift from God) and the future are ours to create.

The W.W.J.D. (What Would Jesus Do) motto is a wonderful one to use every second of your life. It is hard to do any harm or damage if you think this way.

I really love the concept of coping with every day life by being amused by it.
Amusement being referred to as a vibration in relation to a color is imaginable by my thought process to defuse a situation, lesson and to alleviate the stress factor.

When there is fear and tenseness of a thought that is undesirable, by simply thinking of the color pink in a splatter pattern with yellow stripes in the back ground with dark pink hearts floating through out the picture in my minds eye made me feel much better immediately.

Wow, what a concept. This was some what similar to finding your happy place in a tense situation and going there, but more uplifting. I had not thought about how the spirit communicates in three different ways, color, music and numbers.

I can relate to the music part first hand. I have been given words to a few songs; one of these songs came to me while in the shower. My husband plays the guitar for praise and worship at our church, so I gave him the words that the Lord had given to me and he was instantly given music that seemed to be meant for this song. PRAISE JESUS !!!

This has happened a few times now. These songs are spiritual songs we sing at our non-denomination church.

We have experienced this with another friend of ours that is also part of the band at the church. God is sooo good !!!!!

These words are given to me when I least expect it, on my motorcycle, in my pick up truck, in the shower and even during prayer. We have a sister in Christ at our church that has been blessed with an awesome art talent, her paintings are very much spirit guided. She is guided to paint certain pictures that have a message or meaning, and a name is given to her for the painting.

As far as music and vibrations are concerned, I agree that we all have a certain rhythm to our bodies and spirit, these rhythms are either soothing or irritating.

Kinesiology is a true and tried method to address just about any thing in your life that is in question. My son had been labeled A.D.H.D. very early on in his childhood, we went to see a holistic Doctor who used this method to pin point possible allergies to foods and elements he was exposed to. This method truly works.

I have no doubt that telepathic means of communication is definitely when you are speaking in spirit. This happens with my husband and I all the time. We have been married for 23 years now and more times than not can finish each other’s sentences, this is at times annoying but really neat at the same time. There are times when I will be thinking of some one and want to talk to them and they’ll call me. At times I know who is calling when the phone rings. I found it useful to use a sticky collection rose to clean and clear out my telepathic channels.

I have played with spiritual hellos, telepathic thought sending and suggestive thought sending. The response was variable and interesting, this was dependent on the person involved. Even my dog (Bruno) seemed to pick up on my thoughts. I was very surprised at the awareness of my thought sending that people exhibited. The people that I am closest to seemed to pick up on it stronger than others.

The different levels of astral travel were very interesting to learn about. I remember once when I was lying in bed, all of a sudden I was looking down on myself, this startled me so much at that moment, I did not understand it at the time, but unfortunately I have not been able to do it again. I have read about how people travel to all kinds of places, and can tell you what was going on at that place. Wow !!

I can only imagine what it will be like when I meet my maker ( God ) and realize all that we are truly capable of.

In lesson # 27, the past, present and future-based types of people are discussed, I would say that I am a present type or person with a healthy perspective thought process of the future.

I found it very interesting to learn about spiritual pain and how it can have an affect on our health. I look forward to reading Louise Hay’s book (You can heal yourself ).

I believe that past life experienced pictures formed in the mind and how those experiences are perceived in your memory can affect your present and future well being. That which you resist becomes more persistent.

To own something, admit it, claim it and deal with it so you can go on with out it being empowered by you giving it undo energy and strength.

As far as money is concerned, I have to admit that it is and has been a have it when you need it type of situation, if I have extra it is put to use to where it is needed for personal reasons or other’s needs. I have become comfortable with the fact that the Lord does provide me and mine with what is necessary in life. Sure you can always use more money, but in the end it is all spent, rather you have a lot or a little amount.

We have done the big financial in debt up to our ears, make the minimum payment until you die dance more times than I care to admit. We have gotten to the point to where we are on a cash and carry basis or lay away. If we want it, we have to save for it or pay on it without interest.

If we had all the interest we have paid over the years on credit, wow, it would really add up to be a lot of money.

Of course this does not include big items like a mortgage payment or vehicle payments.

I have been blessed with the things that are needed in life.

My husband works very hard to provide for our needs and the amount always seems to be enough. We are a somewhat traditional family, I am still a stay at home Mom that keeps house and am in the process of home schooling a 15 year old son and have a 21 year old daughter that is doing well for herself, and of course I am working on acquiring the knowledge and credits to get my Dr. of Ministry degree through Universal Life Seminary program.

I have pursued other interests in life such as a licensed nail technician, truck driver, school bus driver, sales, foster care and the list goes on. This however is not just an interest, this is a calling. A call for a higher purpose in life.

I do have to state that the Spirit-Quest course has been very thought-provoking and that it has taught me about a mental visual way of thinking that is helpful for an over all sense of well being. I would recommend this course to any one seeking more insight into self awareness.

Thank you for sharing this insight with me.

God Bless,
According to God’s will,
In complete servitude,

With love,
Your sister in Christ,
Jeanette Buschman


 I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and it's Seminary since the beginning and have loved watching the continual growth of the seminary.